At long last, BLACK SCARS — Book 2 in the Blood Skies series — is available for the Kindle.
Grab your copy here!
Remember, BLACK SCARS is on sale for just 99 cents until Halloween!
Smashwords and Barnes & Nobles editions coming soon. Print edition coming in November.
Speaking of print editions, Renee Rearden is the lucky winner of the BLACK SCARS print edition, and she’ll receive her own signed copy when it is released through Amazon in November — congrats, Renee!
Thank you everyone for your help and support through the writing and editing process, and for supporting the Blood Skies site. In the next few weeks I’ll continue to showcase Indie authors through interviews, continue the new Tales of a Blood Earth series (Part 3 will be posted next week), and start dropping breadcrumbs about the next novel, SOMETHING BLACK…
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